Gaming Chairs With Footrest

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gaming chair footrest

Sitting comfortably is essential if you spend most of the day sitting at the computer. A Gaming chair with a footrest may be just what you need. Whether you are gaming or working, sitting all day can be very exhausting and extremely demanding for the entire body. Everything that optimizes comfort and provides an additional individual adaptation to the workplace should be utilized and the benefits enjoyed.

A gaming chair with a footrest allows you to put your feet up and relax. In such a raised position the blood flow in the legs improves and circulation is stimulated. This, and the other ergonomic features of a good gaming chair, can keep “heavy legs”, circulatory problems, and discomfort somewhat at bay.

But even the best gaming chair with a footrest can only contribute in part to dynamic sitting, in order to really prevent sitting-related problems you have to take regular breaks during which you move and exercise a bit.

Gaming Chairs With Footrest

Gaming chairs with footrests are now available in large numbers from different brands.

One of the most popular chairs with a footrest is the Respawn 101, it is actually one of the best-selling gaming chairs of all.

Also, the Elecwish gaming chair, which is identical in construction, is extremely popular, and the Elecwish is even a bit cheaper. But strangely, the model from Elecwish doesn’t sell in as large numbers as the respawn, although there’s really no discernible difference between the two. Branding can make a difference in perception.

Another bestseller is the YK-6008 gaming chair from Nokaxus, in addition to the footrest, there is even an option available with a built-in massage motor in the lumbar support cushion.

How does the footrest work?

The footrest is mounted on the underside of the seat. So folded up and tucked under the chair it doesn’t get in the way. If you need the footrest, you simply pull it out and fold the padded footrest over. That’s all it’s so fast, now you can lie back comfortably and put your feet up.

Why Get A Gaming Chair With Footrest

A gaming chair with an integrated footrest can provide additional comfort. The retractable footrest is conveniently located under the seat and can be pulled out at any time when needed. It is comfortably padded and allows you to rest your legs on it while you recline the backrest of your gaming chair and lean back to chill and relax.

Active sitting is a dynamic process and requires you to change your seating position regularly to prevent monotonous posture and the associated occurring tension in the muscles.  An adjustable footrest helps to change your position and that of your legs regularly.

Even if all the well-known rules about sitting correctly and maintaining a straight posture, told us that the feet should stand flat on the floor and the knees should form a 90-degree angle, these are not fixed rules that say you have to sit like that all the time. Knowledge about healthy sitting and ergonomic workplace design has made great progress in the last few years and today we know a lot a little better.

So nowadays, you not supposed anymore to sit in a chair straight as a bolt all day. Nowadays it is recommended that you sit dynamically, which means that move and regularly change your sitting position in a chair that is adapted to your sitting habits.

A footrest, be it a fold-out footrest that is part of the chair or a portable under-desk footrest that you pull in when you need it, can contribute to dynamic active sitting.

Why sitting too long can be bad

Good and adequate blood circulation in your legs is essential for the well-being and health of your legs. Unhindered blood flow is the only way for the tissues of your legs to get adequate oxygen supply, absorb nutrients, and properly remove waste.

When sitting, it is mainly the lack of exercise that causes your muscles to slacken, the resulting lowered blood flow in your legs is not as nature has meant it to be. In the course of our evolution into upright walking, two-legged creatures, our legs have actually developed in such a way that optimal blood flow only takes place when walking or running. By tensing and relaxing the muscles during movement, the veins running in the leg muscles are repeatedly compressed, which promotes the backflow of the blood. Sitting too long has a negative effect on the blood circulation in your legs. The long-term result of sitting all day, without compensatory exercises is swollen feet, and legs, varicose veins are almost inevitable in the long run.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity during a working day to get up and move around too often. Or when being totally immersed in an exciting video game it is too easy to forget time, or you simply don’t want to interrupt the game to get up. A footrest or a gaming chair with a footrest can at least help in such situations and bring a little bit of relief. Everyone knows that a leg rest can be great, but you know the feeling of how comfortable it is when you put your tired legs up.  But as I said above, this is not a permanent solution. Only regular work breaks and sufficient physical exercise are beneficial to health.

Does it have to be a gaming chair with a built-in footrest?

Foot Rest for Under Desk at Work, Ergonomic Memory Foam Foot Stool Cushion for Home Office, Gaming, Computer - Adjustable 2 Heights Under Desk Footrest with Breathable Washable Cover by AMERIERGO

What About An Under Desk Foot Rest?

It doesn’t always have to be a gaming chair with a footrest. An Under Desk Foot Rest is very practical and hard to beat in its simplicity. Simply pull it up quickly when you need it, otherwise, push it aside and hide it under your desk.

A footrest should meet these requirements

  • The height and angle of the footrest should be adjustable as to your needs, and preferably just with your feet. So you don’t have to crawl around under your desk
  • The footrest should measure at least 12 by 18 inches, only if your feet rest completely on the footrest can it provide the necessary relief.
  • So that you don’t keep moving off your footrest it should have a non-skid surface.
  • Should be a sturdy construction with non-slip feet, so it stays where you want it to stay

The under-desk footrest allows quick, problem-free use. But it provides quick help if you feel you need to put your feet up a bit to reduce the pressure on the thighs and lower back tension.

Especially if your desk cannot be adjusted in height, an ergonomic footrest is a great aid from which smaller people can benefit.

Why you need a Gaming Chair

Even if gaming chairs are often only referred to as a necessity, after all, you have to sit in something, there are undoubtedly plenty of good reasons to buy a chair that is specially made for the needs of esports fans.

Health aspects: The main selling point in a chair should always be pleasant good sitting and the health aspects that come with it. The makers of computer accessories know that esports enthusiasts spend hours over hours nonstop sitting at the screen, gaming away often forgetting the rest of the world. Chairs for gamers are built accordingly to be beneficial for health and gaming performance.

Comfort: No matter how good sitting in a seat feels the first few minutes, it must still be comfortable after 10 hours. And in good chairs, it can be. Clever ergonomic design, generous padding, comfortable backrests, everything is designed for hours of gaming.

Design: There may be many office chairs that are comfortable, but they are not really cool. A special seat for gamers is simply cooler, fits better into your gaming room, and noticeably enhances the whole setup. Design aspects are important for many gamers and for real serious gaming fans there are even chairs that are themed after their favorite games.

Quality: It’s just a good feeling It’s just a good feeling to sit in a good computer desk chair. The processing of high-quality materials and the proper workmanship that incorporates the latest findings on posture, anatomy, and ergonomics in order to make sitting as comfortable as possible, will not go unnoticed when you sit in a chair every day. A high-quality piece of furniture may cost a little more money but will reward you not just with the fact that it will last for many years.

Do I really need a gaming chair with Footrest

Whether the gaming chair has a footrest or not, the correct chair size and individual adjustment of the chair to the user is essential to sit in comfort and for the ergonomic features of the chair to be fully effective. This relieves your shoulders, back, and neck and prevents sitting-related issues.

But always remember, even if gaming is so much fun,  make it a habit to take a break regularly and do some stretching or go for a walk in the fresh air.

Well, and whether you need a gaming chair with a footrest is a matter of habit. If you have gotten used to a footrest, then you won’t want to miss it anymore. I’ve been sitting on a noblechair epic at my desk for about 4 years. It doesn’t have a footrest, but I have a footrest under the desk that I can put my feet on, which I find more comfortable. The chair is correctly adjusted so that when I sit in it my feet are flat on the floor.  But under my desk I have a small footrest that I actually like to use, especially when I lean into the backrest and stretch my legs, then it feels quite comfy to let my feet rest on it.